Logan Lucky

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A Non-Review by Professor Popinjay

It’s been said by some that all guys want is sex. As a guy I can confirm this is 200% true. That is literally and figuratively all they want. Comedian Dane Cook argues that this is not true and claims guys also want a monkey and to be part of a heist.

As a guy I can also confirm that this is also 200% true.

There are movies where you just have to root for the bad guy. You are probably made to sympathize with them for whatever reason but in the end the choices they make are usually illegal even if they might be morally or ethically right or just right as a matter of principle. Sometimes the end result for these kinds of movies is justice served but residual characters are free. Other times the antihero gets off scott free. It may not be admirable but I can’t deny it’s usually exciting.

Logan Lucky was one of these but it was funny. It was not a heist movie in the sense of, say, the movie Heat starring Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, and Val Kilmer. Heat was a great heist movie but it was deadly serious.


I think Daniel Craig must enjoy using a nasally southern US accent. He’s by far the best part of this movie. I love when he is in the middle of the heist and is explaining at length with mathematical visuals how gummy bears in a plastic bag will cause an explosion on the other side of a vacuum tube. His accent in this film is unfortunately and unfairly too often associated with a lack of education but his character is clearly a genius. I love it when stereotypes are challenged in a film.

Anyway, I had fun pretending this was the origin film for Kylo Ren explaining how he got on the path of the dark side. It was Channing Tatum’s fault. We should have known.

Ben Solo (aka Kylo Ren) here being tempted to the dark side by a stack of perfectly cooked bacon. We all know how this ends.

2 responses to “Logan Lucky”

  1. sopantooth Avatar

    For me this is definitely the best movie that clearly got the name in the wrong order on some promotional material and the director/producer/whoever went “eh, it’s fine”


    1. Professor Popinjay Avatar

      Never really thought about the title. It is strange, isn’t it?


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